House of Knowledge

The House of Wisdom (Arabic: دار الحكمة, Dar al- Hikma DMG, English: House Of Wisdom ) or House of Science (Arabic: دار العلم Dar al- ʿ ilm, English: House of Knowledge ) was a major university and a center of the theological and philosophical studies with an extensive library in Cairo in the era of the dynasty of Shia Ismaili Fatimids.

She was of the Fatimid Imam - Caliph Hakim 1005 (395 AH) was founded. This Arabic, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, medicine and astrology were taught.

Many ʿ ī dA ( missionaries ) of the Fatimids received at this institution at least part of their training, the Ismaili da ʿ wa ( mission) was used.

The historian al - Maqrizi has handed down a description of the library.

Hakim was the sixth Fatimid caliph and 16th Ismaili Imam of the Fatimids, the first was born in Egypt. He also ordered the construction of another mosque in Cairo in addition to the existing al -Azhar Mosque, the religious center of the school of the Ismailis. This new mosque named Al -Hakim Mosque ( مسجد الحاكم بأمر الله ). At the same time, he built a madrasa ( halqa ), where the principles of legal thought and the theology of the Shia Ismaili Muslims have been taught.
