House of the Vestals

The House of the Vestal Virgins (Latin: Atrium Vestae ) was a magnificent residential building in the Roman Forum, which is the historic Forum in Rome, Italy. It was the residence of the priestesses of Vesta, the Vestal Virgins, and was located right next to the Temple of Vesta.

It was a two-storey villa, which was equipped with marble floors and wall coverings. In the courtyard of the villa, which was lined with marble statues of the highest ranking Vestals, there is a pool of water.

At the time of Augustus, the House of the Vestals was extended by inclusion of previously occupied by the Pontifex Maximus Domus publication. Following the destruction by fire of Rome in 64 AD the visible today construction began, which was renovated and rebuilt several times during the Imperial period.

The Vestal Virgins were the only priests of Rome. They kept the ever- burning sacred fire in the neighboring temple of Vesta, and carried out their duties for 30 years. During this time they were not allowed to marry. Fornication with Vestals was considered incest and was punished accordingly. Only the Emperor and the Vestal Virgins were allowed to be buried within the walls of Rome.

Since 27 January 2011, the renovated facility can be visited again for the public.

Pictures of House of the Vestals
