Houston Chronicle

The Houston Chronicle is the largest daily newspaper in the U.S. state of Texas. She is also the ninth largest newspaper in the United States. As only one of the ten largest newspapers in the U.S., the Chronicle has not yet won a Pulitzer Prize.


The Houston Chronicle was founded in 1901 by Marcellus E. Foster, a former reporter for the now-defunct Houston Post. The first issue was published on 14 October 1901, was sold for two cents each, at a time when most newspapers were sold the piece for five cents. At the end of the first month of the Chronicle had a circulation of 4378 - about one-tenth of the population of Houston at that time. Within the first year they have already acquired the Daily Herald.

1911 launched the editor George Kepple the program Goodfellows. On Christmas Eve he had a hat under his reporters to circulate and gathered money to a shoeshine boy to buy toys. Goodfellows has now developed into a city-wide program that supplies needy children between two and ten aged with toys. It is supported by donations from the newspaper and its readers. 2003 Goodfellows distributed nearly 250,000 toys to more than 100,000 needy children in the Greater Houston Area.

1926 Jesse H. Jones sole owner of the newspaper. On 1 May 1987, the Hearst Corporation eventually bought the Chronicle for USD 415 million. Since 1994, the Chronicle has only a morning edition. With the end of the Houston Post in the following year, the Chronicle became Houston's only major daily newspaper.
