HSP is an abbreviation for:

  • High Stakes Poker, a poker format in the U.S. television
  • High school sports, sports activities, which are offered by universities for their student and employee shaft and normally organized in the university's sports center
  • Horst- Schlämmer Party, see Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere # Trivia!
  • Hrvatska stranka prava, a right-wing extremist classified temporarily as a fascist or extreme nationalist party classified in Croatia
  • HSP Hoesch sheet piling and Profil GmbH, a steel construction company and manufacturer of sheet piles and profiles in Dortmund


  • Heat Shock Protein ', see heat shock proteins
  • Henoch - Schonlein purpura, see Henoch-Schönlein purpura
  • Hereditary spastic paraplegia, see spastic paraplegia
  • Highly sensitive people see high sensitivity

Hsp is an abbreviation for:

  • Radioplay
  • Disambiguation
  • Abbreviation