HTA is an abbreviation for:

  • Health Technology Assessment, concept of health sciences
  • Hierarchical Task Analysis, systematic process analysis in the area of ​​human-computer interaction
  • Hessian Theatre Academy, union of all the universities involved in theater training in Hessen and the Hessian State and City Theatre and furthermore theater of Baden -Württemberg and Rhineland- Palatinate.
  • Historical- Theological Interpretation of the New Testament series (R. Brockhaus Verlag, Brunnen Verlag )
  • HTA Lucerne, ( College of Engineering and Architecture ), former name of HSLU T & A, see Lucerne # Lucerne University - Engineering and Architecture
  • Explosives of RDX, TNT and aluminum powder
  • Acronym: HTA, see HTML application, executable HTML file with the extension hta.
  • Disambiguation
  • Abbreviation