
Wak'a ( Quechua, mostly written Huaca in colonial documents) is in the culture of the Andes, the name given to local deities as well as the place where such a deity is worshiped.

The Wak'a were and are partly still an important part of the gods, but who - unlike panandine deities such as Pachamama or Wiraqucha - uniquely local importance, since virtually every village community ( ayllu ) has its own Wak'as. Although the worship of Wak'a was fought during the Christianization after the Conquest, they are worshiped in the Quechua and Aymara in parts of southern Peru and Bolivia today.

In Huarochirí manuscript the term Wak'a is used for mountain deities (eg Paryaqaqa and Wallallu Qarwinchu ) that are now called in southern Peru Apu or Wamani and stand in the hierarchy above the Wak'a.
