Huai-Dong Cao

Huai -Dong Cao ( born November 8, 1959 in Jiangsu) is a Chinese mathematician who deals with differential geometry.

Cao graduated from Tsinghua University (Bachelor 1981) and at Princeton University ( Master's degree in 1983 ), where he received his doctorate at Shing-Tung Yau in 1986. From 1987 he was assistant professor at Columbia University. He became Associate Professor in 1999 and Professor at Texas A & M University, a position he held until 2004 1993. 2002/3, he was Co- Director at the IPAM UCLA. He is since 2003 Everett Pritcher professor at Lehigh University. He has been a visiting scientist and visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1999), Harvard University (2000 ), at the IHES (2001), ETH Zurich, at the Isaac Newton Institute ( 2001), at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn (2001 ), at the MSRI (1986 /87) and the University of Pisa. 1992/93 he was at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Cao dealt among other things with Ricci rivers and was with Xi - Ping Zhu part of one of three teams that Grigori Perelman's proof checked the Poincaré conjecture, worked out and completed.

1991 to 1993 he was Sloan Fellow and Guggenheim Fellow in 2004. He is managing editor of the Journal of Differential Geometry.
