
Huaihua (怀化 市) is a prefecture-level city. Your administrative area has an area of ​​27,564 km ² and approximately 4.86 million inhabitants ( 2004). Huaihua is located in the central-southern Hunan Province of the People's Republic of China. Huaihua is bordered to the west by the province of Guizhou, to the south by the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, as well as to the cities of Changde in Hunan, Loudi, Shaoyang, Yiyang, Zhangjiajie and Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture to the.

Administrative Divisions

At county level, Huaihua is composed of a municipality, a county- city, five counties and five autonomous circuits. These are:

  • Municipality Hecheng (鹤 城区), 729 km ², 330,000 inhabitants, center, seat of the city government;
  • Circle Yuan Ling (沅陵 县), 5825 km ², 630,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Yuan Ling (沅陵 镇);
  • Chenxi county (辰溪 县), 1977 km ², 500,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Chenyang (辰 阳镇);
  • Circle Xupu (溆浦县), 3438 km ², 850,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Lufeng (卢 峰 镇);
  • Circle Zhongfang (中方 县), 1467 km ², 260,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Zhongfang (中方 镇);
  • Huitong county (会同 县), 2245 km ², 340,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Lincheng (林 城镇);
  • Mayang Miao Autonomous County (麻阳 苗族 自治县), 1561 km ², 360,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Gaocun (高 村镇);
  • Autonomous County Xinhuang Dong (新晃 侗族 自治县), 1511 km ², 250,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Xinhuang (新晃 镇);
  • Autonomous County Tongdao Dong (通道 侗族 自治县), 2225 km ², 220,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Shuangjiang (双 江镇);
  • Hongjiang City (洪江 市), 2279 km ², 500,000 inhabitants.

27.549444444444109.95916666667Koordinaten: 27 ° 33 'N, 109 ° 58 ' E

Changde | Changsha | Chenzhou | Hengyang | Huaihua | Loudi | Shaoyang | Xiangtan | Xiangxi | Yiyang | Yongzhou | Yueyang | Zhangjiajie | Zhuzhou

  • Place in Hunan
  • District -free city (China)
  • Million city