
The hue ( hue English ) - in addition to brightness and color saturation - one of the three man-made perceived as fundamental properties of a color.

The shade referred to in the theory of color ( by definition ) the property on which a distinction is made according to color sensations, for example, red, yellow or green. A color of the same hue can either vary in color saturation, like gray or blue in brightness, pink for example.

A color can be uniquely described by specifying these three properties; they span a three-dimensional space, called the HSV color space, other coordinates are used for other color spaces. Due to the basic existence of a hue, a distinction the bright colors of the achromatic colors: The hue associated color value is therefore also called hue, and is typically expressed as hue angle.

Due to the wavelength of the monochromatic light of a hue of color can only be approximately described, for colors of the purple line the complementary wavelength is often expressed in the color wheel opposite. For the color stimulus is essential is the ratio of the irritation of the individual color receptors in the eye, which is variable among other things, by adapting to the lighting conditions in the area and by the sum of adjacent color stimuli in the field of vision.

Colors can be precisely defined in terms of the components of certain basic colors. In the additive color mixture of the red, green and blue (RGB), in the subtractive color mixture of cyan, magenta and yellow ( Cyan, Magenta, Yellow = CMY). For applications of colorimetry, this is the theoretical colors X, Y and Z.
