Hüiten Peak

Tawan - Bogd Group of Ukokplateau (Russia, North) from; Chüiten the far left in the background; front of the flow Kalguty in the catchment area of ​​Argut


The Chüiten Summit (Mongolian Хүйтний оргил, Cold summit; well Nairamdal Summit, Friendship summit; Chinese友谊 峰, Youyi Feng ) is part of the Altai Mountains and 4,374 m above sea level. M. (formerly 4,356 m above sea level. M. ) the highest mountain in Mongolia. He stands in the far west of the country on the border with China. Together with four other peaks, it forms the Tawan Bogd - group ( five saints), including the Bogd Uul - Tawan, which is about 2.5 km further north marks the border triangle between Mongolia, Russia and China. Some sources describe notwithstanding, even the Chüiten as " Tawan Bogd Uul - ".


  • Peaklist.org: China II, Xinjiang - Xinjiang
  • Peakbagger.com: Tavan Bogd Uul, Mongolia / China
  • Mountain in Asia
  • Mountain in Mongolia
  • Mountain in China
  • Four thousand
  • Altai
  • Bajan Ölgii Aimag
  • Geography ( Xinjiang )