Hulun Lake

The Hulun Lake ( Mongolian: Hulun only or even the Dalai Nuur ( Далай нуур ), Chinese呼伦湖, Pinyin Hulun Hu) is a large freshwater lake in the north - east of China, Inner in the extreme northeast of Mongolia Autonomous Region, in Hulun Buir grassland, on the Barga plateau. The lake is usually without drainage. At high water level in the lake it flows into the river Argun.

With 2315 km ² ( according to other sources 1100 km ²) of Hulun Only the largest lake in Inner Mongolia and the fifth largest in China. The - depending on rainfall - only to 6-9 m deep lake lies at an altitude of 539 m. The banks are relatively flat and consist of both rocky and sandy sections from.

Depending on its tributary, he is up to 93 km long and 32 km wide. At its south-western shore is fed from Cherlen and at its eastern shore of Orxon.

At least 30 species of fish have settled in the lake, over 200 bird species inhabit not only its banks; these include the extremely rare Red-crowned cranes as, swans, wild geese, wild duck and migratory birds that visit the lake and its shores as a resting and breeding place and location of foraging. As amazingly clean lake in China, the lake is increasingly developing into a quite popular destination with holiday and health resorts. In winter, the lake is often frozen.

The lake is located 150 km east of the municipality Hailar in the administrative territory of the prefecture-level city of Hulun Buir.

Drain: Kerulen - Argun - Amur

In particularly rainy years it happens that the usually endorheic lake overflows at its northern shore, so that the dining Kerulen him a connection to get a little further east flowing Argun and subsequent Amur. This gives the river Kerulen - Argun - Amur, which is then the seventh longest river in the world.

  • See in Asia
  • Lake in China
  • Geography (Inner Mongolia )
  • Amur river system