Humbert III, Count of Savoy

Humbert III. the Holy (* around 1120 or 1136, † March 4, 1189 ) was Count of Savoy and the eldest son of Amadeus III ..

Humbert was married four times. His first wife was Faidiva of Toulouse, from this marriage sprang two daughters, Adelheid became engaged in 1172 by King John to the English throne, but died only 1173rd The second daughter Sophie ( † 1202) married Azzo d'Este IV. From the marriage with his second wife Gertrude of Flanders springs his only son and successor, Thomas. The third and fourth marriage with Clementia of Zahringen and Beatrice of Vienne remain childless.

Humbert III. includes a deep friendship with the English King Henry II. The House of Plantagenet needed Humbert as an important ally, as the possessions of Savoy were threatened in Italy by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. In addition, the Kaiser, in 1178 in Saint Trophimus d' Arles to the Burgundian royal crown and imputed the bishoprics of Turin, Belley and Tarantaise directly the Holy Roman Empire. Humbert in 1838 by Pope Gregory XVI. beatified.

  • Marie José: The house Sayoven, Published by the Foundation Pro Castellione, 1994
  • Seliger
  • Graf ( Savoy)
  • Born in the 12th century
  • Died in 1189
  • Man