Humor in Freud

Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious is the title of a study published the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud in 1905.


In this, fundamental for the wit research and psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud study examines technology and trends of the joke. Yet his particular attention to the relations of the joke to the unconscious. Thus, this study is regarded as a key work of psychoanalysis.

Freud saw the joke a technique for saving the unconscious conflicts and for pleasure. The pleasure is based on a short-term easing of repression. By solidarity with like-minded WOULD joke against authorities, against the sense - or even against dissenters.

The book is divided into the following three parts:

Analytical part

In this chapter, Freud studied the technique of jokes and the tendencies of the joke.

Synthetic part

Here Freud examines the pleasure mechanism and psychogenesis of wit as well as the motives of wit and humor as a social process.

Theoretical part

In the final chapter, Freud points to the relationship of the joke to the dream and the unconscious. He also shows the wit and style of the comic.
