
  • Icira ( ' band did separated and went together again ') Tinazipe Sica ( 'Bad Bows '), significant tiwahe and their leaders: Sitting Bull, Four Horns, Black Moon.
  • Ceknake Okisela ( 'Half breechcloth '), leader of the most important tiwahe: Little Prairie Chicken.

The Hunkpapa contributed under their chiefs Sitting Bull and Gall the U.S. Army fierce resistance. After the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876 they fled to Canada, but returned from lack of food to 1881 in small groups into the Dakota territory back. After the assassination of Sitting Bull in December 1890 sought refuge with about 100 Hunkpapa Chief Big Foot of the Minneconjou. Fourteen days later, on December 29, 1890, it came to the massacre at Wounded Knee, in which Big Foot and almost all Hunkpapa were killed.
