Hyacinthoides italica

Riviera bluebells ( Hyacinthoides italica ) - Blossom

The Riviera or Italian bluebell bluebells ( Hyacinthoides italica, syn. Scilla italica L., Scilla purpurea million ) plant is of the genus Hyacinthoides ( Hyacinthoides ) in the family of asparagus plants ( Asparagaceae ).


The Riviera Bluebell is a perennial, herbaceous plant that reaches the plant height 15-25 centimeters. This Geophyt forms onions as outlasting.

The 6 to 30 flowers are pale blue to blue-violet, upright to protrude located in a wide and short cone-shaped, racemose inflorescence with 1 to 2 inches long bracts at the base of the stem. The perianth is 7-8 mm long.

The flowering period is in May.

The Riviera Bluebell comes in Northwest Italy in western Liguria and in south-eastern France in Dauphiné before. Here it is found on rocky meadows at altitudes 0-1700 meters. In southern Europe, and locally also in Germany ( Dänschendorf in Mecklenburg ) this species is naturalized.


The Riviera Hasenglöckchen is rarely used in rock gardens and discounts as an ornamental plant and as a cut flower. It is in culture since 1594. The cultivar ' Purpurea ' has dark blue flowers.


  • Corner Hardt J. Hunter, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd Müller K. (ed.): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora of Germany. Volume 5: Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8.