Hyalesthes obsoletus

Morning Glory Glasflügelzikade ( Hyalesthes obsoletus )

The winch Glasflügelzikade ( Hyalesthes obsoletus ) is a cicada family of glass leaf cicadas ( Cixiidae ).

Host plants

Its main host plants in Germany are the bindweed ( Concolvulus arvensis) and nettles (Urtica dioica). This host specificity is, however, regional differences, so make, for example, in southern France lavender (Lavandula angustifoli ) and in Israel Chasteberry ( Vitex agnus- castus ) is the main host plants Represent is a carrier of yellowing disease blackwood disease in grapevines and the stolbur - Phytoplasmose on tomatoes and potatoes.

Distribution and habitat

The winch Glasflügelzikade comes in southern Central Europe, the Mediterranean region, southern Russia, Kazakhstan and Asia Minor. In Germany the species has been detected in the following states: Baden -Württemberg, Rhineland -Palatinate, Bavaria and Saxony- Anhalt. The winch is Glasflügelzikade warmth, where the microclimate (ie, exposed locations, low shading of the host plant ) has a high influence on the probability of occurrence. She lives on wasteland and Ruderalbiotopen, rough spots on dry grassland, usually on skeletal rich or loose soils.
