Hyginus Gromaticus

Gromaticus Hyginus was a Latin specialist writer of the 1st and 2nd century AD

Origin of the epithet gromaticus

Hyginus Gromaticus ( Gromaticus of groma, a surveying instrument of the ancient Roman surveyor ) is a agrimensorum up on his work De constitutione limitum in the so-called corpus Romanorum not tangible author, probably towards the end of the 1st century AD at the time of the Roman Emperor Trajan lived. His nickname is due to a misreading of the oldest codex, the Arcerianus ( Guelferbitanus 2403 Aug. 36.23 f fol. 161, SAEC. Vi - vii ) due, in the epigram of the text EXP. ( = explicit) KYGYNI GROMATICI CONSTITVTIO féliciter is. Other manuscripts, the Palatinus Vatic. Latin in 1564 than Explicit LIBER HYGINI GROMATICVS so that the adjective gromaticus clearly goes to liber, ie a designated " gromatisches " Surveyor book. The until very recently maintained Convention, to speak of a " Hyginus Gromaticus ", so it should be abandoned as misleading, and it was in the latest editions of Campbell also defined by the author of the equally strongly in the writings gromatischen other Hyginus " Hyginus 1" and " 2 Hyginus " differs.


Hyginus ' font constitutio , where limitum a supplement Carl Olof Thulins is (Karl Lachmann they subtitled de limitibus constituendis ), has survived only corrupt. However, the received offers extremely important and significant conclusions about the Latin reception of corresponding Greek astronomical and mathematical writings, as Hyginus decimanus and cardo received not only on the construction of the large axes or Limitationskreuzes from, but the construction decidedly the decimanus by the method of gnomon measurement and dedicated it (eg after sunrise and sunset) compares with less accurate methods. The text ratio of a large portion of this text with a edited by Nicholas Bubnov Geometria incerti Auctori has yet to be investigated.

Another work attributed to him gromaticus Liber de divisionibus agrorum, with perhaps the constitutio should be continued, has been handed down only in the titulus.
