Hyperion (mythology)

Hyperion (Greek Ὑπερίων, son of the height of the upper ), son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth), is one of the Titans in Greek mythology.


His sister and wife was the Titan Theia, also called Euryphaessa ( widely Bright ) or Aethra ( the Radiant ). With her he became the father of the sun god Helios, the moon goddess Selene and the goddess of dawn, Eos. Helios, in turn, has already contributed Homer also nicknamed Hyperion; here merge the traditions, which is why you can see the sun god himself in his mother goddess of the moon and in his father.

The ancient historian Diodorus calls except the ( derived from Hesiod ) Genealogy also a variant in which the wife of Hyperion basileia ( queen) or Meter Megale ( Great Mother ) is called. From envy of the blessing of children of brother and sister, the other Titans conspired Hyperion cast into Tartarus, Helios threw into the river Eridanos.Später Hyperion escaped from Tartarus and took revenge on the other Titans, smiting their mortal children without mercy. In another interpretation of the story of Hesiod by Diodorus Titan Hyperion was the son of Curetes and the Titaia; the first astronomer he was later called the father of the sun and moon.

When his mother Gaia gave them the order to castrate Uranus, he kept with his brothers Krios, Coeus, and Iapetus fixed her father. Kronos then castrated him with a sickle. Since Hyperion Hyperion was held the father in the east to the east titanium or titanium to the eastern sky. According to another legend Hyperion was angry that the Titans had come later to the world. That's why he threw Tartarus in one part of the world that was so deep that you named it after Tartarus.

Pedigree of the Titans

Bearers of the name

After the Titans, among others, a moon of Saturn and the highest known tree in the world are named.
