
Hypermnesia (from Greek Mnesis memory ) means a stronger ability to remember. The term is used in two areas of psychology - with different meanings.

For one, it is a well established phenomenon of the general psychology of memory. Of which is spoken when people at a later date to remember as at an earlier. If, for example witnesses after an event are not just once, but several times questioned, it may be that they can play more correct memories at the third survey than in the first. This occurs especially when repeated corresponding memory requests made ​​within a short time (e.g. one hour ). In fact, seem previous tests, not the longer time to be decisive.

Secondly, is spoken in connection with the hypnosis of hypermnesia when the Hypnotisand reminiscent of events that he has not consciously perceived or which he believed to have forgotten. This concerns more of a clinical phenomenon.

Sigmund Freud summarizes early in his Interpretation of Dreams hypermnestische some dreams of various authors together. In these dreams, the dreamer persons, events or situations, which he has apparently never seen appear. However turned out - sometimes decades later - discovered that they had been through this before the dream. Freud indicates these examples is that a person can remember in dreams of things that do not fall into his consciousness during wakefulness, however, were stored continuously in the unconscious. Also, he notes that it details were frequent, which were already not consciously perceived in the experience.

