Hyperopisus bebe

Hyperopisus bebe

Hyperopisus bebe ( Syn: Mormyrus dorsalis, St. Hilaire, 1809) is an African freshwater fish from the family of mormyrids ( Mormyridae ). It is widely distributed in the northern tropical Africa in the rivers of the Sahel and the large landscape Sudan and comes in the Nile south of the Murchison Falls ( Albert Nile ) and in Senegal, Gambia, Niger, Bénoué, Volta, Ouémé, Ogun, Logone and Chari ago.


Hyperopisus bebe is a maximum of 51 cm long and 1 kg. His body is moderately elongated and laterally flattened, with a standard length 3.9 to 6.2 times the height of the body. The head length is 4.6 to 6.2 times included in the standard length, the head is 1.6 to 2.3 times longer than wide. The anal fin is 4 to 7.7 times longer than the short dorsal fin, pectoral fins twice as long as the ventral fins. The tail fin shaft 1.5 to 3.6 times longer than high. The caudal fin is forked. Like all mormyrids is Hyperopisus bebe for electric communication and electrical orientation capable. Electric receptors are located on the head, back and stomach. You are missing on the sides and on the tail fins stem, where the electric organ can be found.

  • Fins formula: Dorsal 12-16, 52-71 Anal.

Way of life

Hyperopisus bebe lives in flowing and standing waters, feeding on molluscs and planted in the rainy season continues. When examined females 18,924 eggs were counted.

