
Hyper-power is a term for the significant global political dominance of a nation or a confederation.

For example, the geopolitical position of the U.S. in the period after the end of the East- West conflict (1990 ) has been called a hyper-power, which leads to a world order in which the United States emerged as a force for order. The term was coined by the then French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine 1999.

Your program of peacekeeping and combat terrorism by spreading democracy through humanitarian interventions is designated according to the Pax Romana polemically as Pax Americana.

It is assumed that the U.S. strategy go out, not democracy, but the dominance of the "West " and the freedom of economic activity expand and states that attack this supremacy and their support, if necessary, to suppress by military force.

The publicist Amy Chua called states or commonwealths as Hyper powers, if they are so powerful that the world no other power can jeopardize their military and economic position seriously. Chua cites as examples of hyper powers of world history ancient Persia, the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire and Great Britain.
