Hypnale hypnale

Indian nose viper ( Hypnale hypnale )

The Indian nose viper ( Hypnale hypnale ) is a species of pit vipers and belongs to the genus of Ceylon nose vipers ( Hypnale ).


Hypnale hypnale reached a total length from 38 to 55 cm, females can be larger than males. The body is built slightly stocky. The head is triangular, raised at the tip of the snout and something that sets it apart from the rest of the body. The pupil is very narrow slit perpendicular incident light. The head has 7 or 8 Upper lip shields ( scutum supralabiale ) and 8 or 9 (rarely 10) lower lip shields ( scutum sublabiale ) on. The body center surrounded along 17 rows weak gekielter dorsal scales. The belly has 134-158 abdominal signs, the underside of the tail 32 to 48 additional horn signs. The tapered tail ends in a black thorn. The body is variably colored ( yellow, gray or brown) and wearing dark spots or transverse bands, which can also be joined together. The head is light brown to hazel and longitudinally drawn up by a fine, bright line. From Hypnale nepa and Hypnale walli Hypnale is hypnale by the absence of a wart-like bump on the tip of the snout, the large number of abdominal shields and the absence of spines on the hemipenis delineate.

Snake venom

Hypnale hypnale regularly causes bite accidents with locals, but deaths are rare. The snake venom of this species has prokoagulative ( coagulant ) properties, Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy can not be excluded. Likewise, an irreversible kidney failure is possible. A specific antivenin is not available.

Way of life

Hypnale hypnale is quite a site- faithful, ground-dwelling, rarely climbing in low brush Viper, which feeds on small mammals, anurans, lizards and snakes. In places, it is striking frequently found. The mating season covers the months of July and August, the young snakes are born from April to August. It reproduces by Ovoviviparie, ie ei - viviparous, fort, where the union of a female comprising up to 17 young snakes. The young snakes measured at hatching about 13 cm. Hypnale hypnale performs both night - life as well as diurnal and hides during the day often under stones, rotten wood or leaf litter. Compared to humans, this Viper behaves spirited and aggressive. In case of failure it raises its head at an angle and vibrates its tail frantically on the ground.


Native is Hypnale hypnale in forests and plantations in the south-west India and Sri Lanka. There are inhabited above sea level both flat planes, as well as in the highlands up to 1525 meters.

