Hypnic jerk

In Einschlafzuckungen (synonyms: Einschlafmyoklonien, hypnagogic jerks, benign Schlafmyoklonus ) is sudden, short jerks ( myoclonus ) of the limbs or torso that occur while falling asleep. Sometimes Einschlafzuckungen be accompanied to fall or stumble of perceived bright light flashes ( visual Einschlafzuckungen ), loud noises ( auditory Einschlafzuckungen ) or the feeling. Einschlafzuckungen occur sporadically at about 70 % of the population and are a natural phenomenon without clinical significance. During infancy, Einschlafzuckungen are more common and are also observed in the course of sleep.

Diagnosis and Classification

Lens can be Einschlafzuckungen means of electromyography ( EMG) measure. In EMG, they appear as short ( 75-250 ms), high-amplitude potentials in the course of falling asleep or in light sleep. Sometimes it comes in the wake to awakenings ( arousals in the electroencephalogram ), rapid heartbeat (tachycardia on the electrocardiogram ) and irregular breathing. If Einschlafzuckungen so often or strongly appear that they disturb the sleep or lead to the re-awakening, is the diagnosis Einschlafmyoklonien according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders. From Einschlafmyoklonus the fragmentary myoclonus, the propriospinal myoclonus, periodic leg movements, seizures and myoclonic epilepsy must be delimited.
