Hyponymy and hypernymy

Hyponymy is a term in linguistics and refers to the semantic- conceptual subordination ( subordination ) of a Semems under another sememe. The child sememe called hyponym, the parent sememe hypernym. The converse relationship for hyponymy semantic superorder called Hyperonymie.

Hyponym thus is synonymous with narrower term, hypernym for the preamble.

The prevalent in linguistics different language regime is likely to be historically conditioned, and partly based on the fact that the terminology independence of the term logic obtained: between word, concept, sememe need not be a sharp distinction and one escapes the criticism of the traditional term logic.

Hypernym - - In a narrower sense, the ratio of the hyponym relationship is also identified with the type - genus relation.

The hyponymy is a central semantic relation between concepts in semantic networks, taxonomies and thesauri. They must be distinguished from the part-whole relationship ( meronymy ).

Properties of the hyponymy

This relation is:

  • Transitive - when A is a hyponym of B and B is a hyponym of C, then A is a hyponym of C.
  • Irreflexive - no term is a sub- concept of himself
  • Asymmetric - if A is a hyponym of B, then B can not be hyponym of A.

Example of a hyponym of transitive type: If banana is a hyponym of fruit and vegetables a hyponym of food, then banana is a hyponym of food.

Or in another perspective: the meanings of subordinate expressions contain all the meanings of the parent. However, this does not vice versa ( here: not every food is a banana), because the meaning of the Hyponyms is more specific.

Relationship between hypernym and hyponym

Continue to exist between hypernym and hyponym the following relationships:

  • The term scope ( extension ) of the Hyponyms is smaller than the circumference of the term Hyperonyms. Example: Every Basset is a dog, but not every dog is a Basset.
  • The term content ( intension ) of the Hyponyms is greater than the term content of Hyperonyms. The hyponym has at least one semantic feature more than hypernym.
  • The predication of an object as A ( hyponym ) implies the predication of the object as B ( hypernym ) - but not vice versa.

A term can also be the hyponym several Hyperonyme. For example, banana is a hyponym to fruit and plant.

Hyponymy is seen as a special case of partial synonymy: hyponyms have the one with the hypernym and on the other with their Kohyponymen at least one semantic feature in common


Co-hyponyms are hyponyms of a common Hyperonyms. In conceptual logical terminology co-hyponyms are the sub-terms of a common preamble.

Co-hyponyms stand in the relation of Kohyponymie. This relation is symmetric and transitive. The contents of the elements differ in at least one semantic feature.

For example, ' dachshund ' and ' poodle' co-hyponyms to the common hypernym 'dog':

  • This Dachshund is a dog.
  • This poodle is a dog.

Co-hyponyms are mutually exclusive from ( incompatible ( incompatible ) ):

  • This dachshund is not a poodle.
  • This poodle is not a dachshund.