
Hysteroscopy is the medical term for a transvaginal viewing (mirroring ) of the uterine lining side by means of an endoscope.

Fallopian tube mouth right

Uterine cavity

Tubal orifice left


In gynecology, hysteroscopy is also used for diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy as for therapy:

  • Hysteroscopy support the cause search in bleeding disorders and abnormal findings by ultrasound, for example, when necessary to distinguish between a lying in the uterine fibroid, a polyp, endometrial cancer or of mountains and in the cervical canal cervical cancer, this method is often used in addition to curettage.
  • To operations in the uterus thicker Hysteroscopes resectoscopes and another non-conductive rinse solution can be used. It is possible to remove fibroids and polyps of the uterine cavity. The removal of the uterine lining may be tried in this way for the treatment of long and heavy menstrual bleeding ( Endometriumablatio ). For hemostasis high frequency current is used. When hysteroscopy is not " blind" taken from a tissue sample, but worked under visual control.