
I686 is mostly used as a family name for Intel's x86 processors the sixth generation. The progenitor of this CPU family, the Pentium Pro, the Intel internal development code name of the P6 family gave its name to the P6 family. Your a separate article is devoted: Intel P6

It is in i686 is not an official Intel designation, since the Intel x86 naming scheme gave up with the i486. If you followed this nomenclature, the successor to the i486 had already actually have hot i586. Of trademark issues, but this was given the name Pentium.

Use is the name i686 common in optimization settings of compilers or, for example, to indicate that a particular application program or an operating system for use on an x86 processor P6 family has been optimized or even be executed only on such. Such programs are usually suitable for AMD processors from AMD Athlon (K7 ).

  • Intel processor