
The Japigi (Greek from the Latin Iapydes Japyx ) were a people, probably of Illyrian origin, the BC today's Italian region of Apulia populated in the 2nd or 1st millennium.

The Illyrians, who came from the other side of the Adriatic, found in the region of the indigenous population, merged with her and gave three peoples originated: in the north the Daunians or Puglia, in the middle of the Peucetians and to the south the Messapians.

Your name got the Japigi by the Greeks, who believed that they were descendants of Japyx, son of the mythical Daedalus.

The first city was founded by the Japygern Oria in the province of Brindisi (Uria, 1600 BC). 466 BC they defeated the Greek city of Tarentum.
