IBM Parallel Sysplex

The Sysplex ( system processing complex) is around 1990, introduced by IBM computers without coupling ( loosely coupled ) IBM mainframes. Often this simple form of the cluster is also called Base Sysplex Sysplex or Basic.

The Parallel Sysplex is a further development of the sysplex, the launch took place in 1994. This is a close computer connection ( Closely coupled ). The Coupling Facility (CF ) takes over the function of a global memory that can be created within which three different types of structure. These are lock, list and cache structures, which, inter alia, be used to manage contention when accessing shared resources. The Coupling Facility is an ordinary IBM mainframe, upon which the Coupling Facility Control Code ( CFCC ) is executed.

Benefits subsystems such as CICS, DB2, or IMS, the techniques provided by the Parallel Sysplex, so they can position themselves to the user as a single application, you then also speaks of a Single System Image ( SSI).

With consistent implementation result of system and subsystem mutually inter alia, advantages in

  • The dynamic load balancing,
  • The scalability,
  • Availability during planned and unplanned outages.