IC 418

IC 418 is a galactic planetary nebula in the constellation Lepus.

Its distance is estimated to be about 3000 light-years, its expansion is about 0.3 light years.

IC 418 is also Spirograph Nebula named for its resemblance to the pattern that produces the same geometric toys. This phenomenon is not yet understood. However, one suspects a connection with the chaotic winds emanating from the central star of the nebula. This is a variable star whose brightness varies unpredictably within a few hours.

Studies show that the current central star was millions of years ago a star similar to our sun. Years ago, only a few thousand of the nuclear fuel went zuneige and the star became a red giant, which eventually burned down and its outer shell repelled. What remained was a white dwarf, whose ultraviolet light excites the atoms of the surrounding nebula and so brings him to shine.

Visual observation

The Spirograph Nebula is already visible in a small telescope to 60 mm opening than stellar appearing object. If you choose a larger instrument from about 6 " opening, then this planetary nebula is already a very conspicuous object: A very bright central star is surrounded by a structureless, only slightly elliptical nebula, which is defined quite sharply outwards.

The fog is relatively easy to find if you anpeilt the middle of the two "feet" of the Orion Saiph ( Kappa Orionis ) and Rigel and nearly 4 ° south moved from there. He then located about 2 ½ ° east of a bright star in the constellation Lepus group.
