Ice cream parlor

An ice cream parlor, ice cream parlor in Austria, is a catering business, which mainly consists of ice cream is served. The first ice cream parlor should have opened the Sicilian Francesco Procopio 1668 de Coltelli, a former chef of the Sun King Louis XIV, in Paris.

In Germany there are about 4,000 ice cream parlors or cream, of which about 3,000 are run by Italian gelatieri, of which three quarters are from the Val di Zoldo in the province of Belluno in the Dolomites. This is mainly due to the ruling in 1850 poverty of the local population, which then focused as a solution to their problems on the Eismachen. Many went to Austria and finally in the Weimar Republic to Germany, where from the late 20s, the ice cream parlor for part of the gastronomic city culture was. Besides the numerous ice cream creations and specialties you can get in ice cream parlors and cafes of all kinds and alcoholic beverages. The first ice cream parlor in Berlin - the café Monheim - opened in 1928; it is at the same point in the Blissestraße today.

Many ice cream shops close during the winter months or otherwise used. This tradition is beginning to change with the change of generation at the turn of the millennium. For one, the grown children here the editors do with fewer ties to Italy the business. Secondly prevent significantly declining sales, to spend the winter months (previously it was enough even for a home in Italy): Rent and associated costs as well as wages are significantly higher than previously, while almost not reduced in warm winters of Eiskonsum. Next, the statistics of the Association of Italian ice-cream manufacturer, Uniteis that 3,300 Ice produce in Germany their ice cream itself.


  • Donata Panciera, Paolo Lazzarin, Tarcisio Caltran (1999 ): La storia del gelato. Dall'epopea dei gelatieri alla Mostra Internazionale del Gelato / As the ice was formed. From the age of ice cream producers to the International Ice Cream Exhibition. ( ital. / dt. ). Cierre Edizioni. Caselle di Sommacampagna ( VR), Italy. ISBN 978-8-8831-4046-4.
  • Norbert Fendler (2010): Unforgettable cult ice cream parlor: time travel with "Venezia" In: . Hagenbuch: p.111 - 117th ardenkuverlag. ISBN 978-3-932070-95-2.