
An ice -Rise (English, literally translated as " ice - survey" or elevation in the ice ) is a well-defined collection in the otherwise totally flat ice shelf, typically round and 100 to 200 meters above the surrounding ice shelf. An ice -Rise of the line where the floating and seaward flowing ice shelf is hampered by a rocky elevation on the ocean floor. The underwater survey does not reach the sea, otherwise it would be an island, not an Ice- Rise. Visually, often an ice -Rise and completely covered by ice island in the ice shelf can not be distinguished, and the difference can only be determined by measurements. The ice shelf flows over the obstacle, which is completely covered by ice, no famous rock, and forms an ice - Rise. This results in stress at the ice surface, which lead to the crevasses around the Ice- Rise. An ice -Rise is typically in the middle of the ice shelf, although it may also partially adjacent to the open sea.

Ice- Rises occur only in the ice shelf areas of Antarctica, especially in the Ronne Ice Shelf. The largest of which can reach a size of 50 km by 200 km or 10,000 km ². Some Ice Rises hot incorrectly Islands, and vice versa, there are some ice shelf islands that are inaccurately called Ice- Rise, about the great Berkner Island, which is also called Berkner Ice Rise.

Examples of larger ice Rises:

  • Crary Ice Rise
  • Korff Ice Rise
  • Henry Ice Rise
  • Fowler Ice Rise
  • Skytrain Ice Rise
  • Glaciation