Ida of Bernicia

Ida († 559 or 560 ) was from 547 until his death King and possibly the founder of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Bernicia.



Ida's grandfather Oesa had come first of the family to Britain. Ida's father was called Eoppa, his mother is unknown.

Ida was married to Bear yet and should have had twelve sons. He is regarded as the ancestor of the Northumbrian royal family. Florentius of Worcester, a chronicler of the 12th century, wrote that Adda, Belric, Theodric, Æthelric ( son or grandson), Theodhere and Osmer were married sons. Occa, Ealric, Ecca, Oswald, Sogor, Sogethere to Ida, however, have witnessed with concubines. In the Historia Brittonum also Eadric was named as a son. In the earlier research sometimes the later kings Glappa, Hussa and Frithuwald ( Freodulf ) were seen as Ida's sons.


There is evidence that Ida Deira Coming pushed forward by sea to Bernicia and established himself in the coastal region. Ida was in the year 547 the first King Bernicias. His realm was surrounded by the enemy British kingdoms Rheged, Manau Gododdin and Dalriada. He is said to have built Bamburgh -Castle and fastened with a Hag. This he also came into conflict with King Dutigern that probably prevailed in the British Kingdom of Strathclyde. In Bamburgh Ida won an important victory over Dutigern and thus strengthened his power in the East North of England. After another reading Ida defeated Dutigern (also Euderyn, Outigern ) and then occupied Din Guaïroï, today Bamburgh. The traditional conquest of Nennius Bamburghs by Ida is controversial. Ida's territory was probably limited to a coastal strip in the area around Bamburgh and Lindisfarne. After Ida's death to 559/560 probably followed Glappa as king.

