
The Iddefjord photographed from the old Svinesund from

The Iddefjord (Norwegian: Iddefjorden or Ringdalsfjorden, Swedish: Idefjorden ) is an approximately 24 kilometer long fjord which forms the border between Norway and Sweden in the north of the historical Swedish province of Bohuslän. It ends in the Norwegian city of Halden in the Svinesund.

The fjord is almost always free of ice and also marked meromictic, which means it consists of a freshwater layer at the surface, which is about two meters deep, while including salt water and these layers is hardly mix.


In the lead Iddefjord been two major rivers, the Enningdalsälven of Sweden and the Tista from Norway. In addition, the island is Brattøya in the fjord. Near the estuary, is located in Sweden the highest point of Bohuslän, the Björnerödspiggen with 222 m ü.NHN. Due to the rich granite deposits in the early 20th century were operated on both sides of the fjord quarries.

There used to be a ferry across the fjord, today lead with the Svinesundbrücken two bridges over the fjord.
