
An identifier ( rarely identifier, Eng. Identifier) ​​is an identifier in computer science, clearly calling with which a programmer in a program object, such as a data type, a variable or a function. Therefore, an identifier within a namespace must be unique.

As a rule for identifiers literals ( letters ) are used. Also numerals ( digits ) are common, but do not allow good mnemonic, this is achieved with a combination of a string of letters and numbers. Prefixes or suffixes are often used for type identification.

Programming languages ​​use different rules for identifiers, such as what may occur (special) characters in it, whether uppercase and lowercase letters are differentiated and how long the identifier can be a maximum. In addition, further naming rules can be applied, which are defined in part been publicly (for example, in the Hungarian notation) or on a corporate standard, the programming style set.


  • Frm_Kundendaten: identifier (also called ' name ' ) with regard to a form in a 4GL development language; alternatively, for example, ' Kundendaten_frm '
  • ZwFeld_RechnSumme: identifier for a data field that add up the totals of the bills.
  • Rechnen_MWST: Identifier for an algorithm ( or similar procedure called ) to calculate the value added tax ( VAT)