
Idiolect (sometimes: Ideolekt ) indicates the individual's speech from a single man. These include his vocabulary, his linguistic behavior, his language and his pronunciation. The idiolect is a linguistic variety on the level of the individual speaker. The term is also used to describe the specifics, because of which one can distinguish the language of different speakers of a language community.

One of the methods of sociolinguistics is to analyze idiolects of members of a precisely defined language community and to derive common features of a sociolect.

The Idiolektanalyse is also a key method in forensic linguistics. By examining linguistic features of texts of the circle of perpetrators (eg, the writer of threatening letters ) can be significantly limited. Some Forensic linguists warn against expecting to be able to demonstrate a perpetrator clearly based on a " linguistic fingerprint " suspects. However, Raimund Drommel, the " pioneer of linguistic forensics ," according to ranged in many cases from the linguistic evidence to set against suspects in a criminal gang.
