
Phrases belong to the fixed idioms ( idioms ). Most are pictorial expressions. While idioms can be complete sentences, idioms are only parts of sentences. Nevertheless, the two terms are often used interchangeably.

Grammatical features

The linguist Lutz Rohrich referred proverbial phrases as phrases lexemes. Do not stand on their own and need to be supplemented for use within a sentence. They lack at least the subject, such as in the phrase " with the fence post wave ".

Phrases are no sentences, but predicative phrases. In collections are always listed in infinitive form, " fish in troubled waters " for example. With the addition of the subject they are diffracted according to, eg, "He is fishing in troubled waters ".


Note: The examples do not meet the above definition. Sometimes there are no verbal expressions, and / or are full expressions that do not need grammatical complement of use. So there are phrases in a broader sense.
