
The monument Klavže

Idrijca [ idri ː TSA ] (German: Fetsch Bach) in Slovenia is a tributary of the Isonzo, which rises in the Karst Mountains, the town of Idrija flows through and after 60 km at Tolmin empties into the Isonzo, which is there called Soča. A tributary of the idrijca is the Trebuščica, the springs near the Idrijcaquelle and from there flows to the northwest, while the idrijca eventually flows first south-east, then north, west, and after the union with the Trebuščica also to the northwest.

The idrijca is part of the Landscape Park Zgornja idrijca.


The idrijca and Trebuščica are rich in fish. Most frequently represented is the brown trout, plus trout hybrids, grayling and carps. The marble trout that can reach a size of about 1 m, is less common, but very sought after by fly fishermen.
