IFA Wartburg

IFA Wartburg is a Swedish two-man pop group consisting of Heinz Klinger and Rolf Kempinski.

Her songs oscillate between pop, swing and jazz influences. The lyrics of their songs avail themselves of a perceived as a typical East German vocabulary, in their statement but impolitic to playfully meaningless. Typical items are Mrs. Gorbachev dances Bossa Nova, It 's not so bad on the island of Crimea, or agricultural science in the service of socialism. The songs are in German language.

In 1998 published IFA Wartburg their first and only CD entitled In the service of socialism. On the release of the album was followed by a tour through Germany and Switzerland, where they were accompanied by a big band of Swedish music students. In addition to the CD was a publication as a Picture Disk with a portrait of Erich Honecker.
