Ignatius Knoblecher

Ignacij Knoblehar, Germanized Ignaz Knoblecher ( born July 6, 1819 in St. Kanzian, today Škocjan, a district of Turjak, Carniola, Slovenia, † April 13, 1858 in Naples) was a Slovenian Catholic priest, missionary and explorer.


Knoblehar studied Catholic theology in Ljubljana and Rome and was a missionary in Africa. There he became known as Abuna Soliman. He was apostolic vicar general for the interior of Africa and resided in Khartoum since 1848. The end of 1849 he came 4000 km ago on the White Nile up to 4 ° 10 'north latitude. The results of this journey he published in part in the 1850 book " trip on the White Nile " during a home stay in Austria. The returned ethnographic collections donated Knoblehar part of Ljubljana, partly the natural history collection in Vienna. In 1852 he founded the first mission station on the White Nile in Gondokoro in Bari and two years later the station " Holy Cross" ( Angweyn ) in the Dinka.


  • Travel on the white river. From the original Maniscripen of the Vicars General of Central Africa Ignaz Knoblecher; edited by Vincent Ferrerius Klun. Ljubljana, 1850.
  • Collection of old Africa trip descriptions Austrian explorer. Vol 4, trip on the White Nile. With an introd by Michael H. Zach. Baden bei Wien: Kainbacher, 2003, ISBN 3-9501302-4-1. .