Ignoratio elenchi

Ignoratio elenchi (from Latin ignoratio, ignorance 'or' ignorance ' and the Latinized genitive of the Greek noun ἔλεγχος élengchos, refutation ', so literally " ignorance of refutation " ) called in philosophy a reasoning error. Here, another assertion is proved as the under discussion. In a ignoratio therefore a valid proof of claim is delivered, thereby misappropriating that it is acting as originally to be proved by another. ( " Fallacy of Irrelevant Conclusion ").

The term was coined by Aristotle in his Organon and is, inter alia, in the Sophistic refutations, the last band of the Organon, treated. However, Aristotle summarizes the concept further: Any argument lacks the linguistic or formal correctness and is output as still valid is referred to there as ignoratio elenchi, namely insofar as it disregards the reasons or embezzles that disprove its validity.

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