Il Canto degli Italiani

Fratelli d' Italia ( Brothers of Italy ", actually Il Canto degli Italiani, The Song of the Italians ') is the national anthem of Italy. The lyrics were written by Goffredo Mameli (which is why the anthem is also known as Inno di Mameli ), the melody is the work of Michele Novaro. The national anthem was similar in Germany, in the field of romantic nationalist movements in Italy mid 19th century. The piece was written in the autumn of 1847 as a battle song of the Risorgimento movement of patriotic students Mameli from Genoa and set to music a little later in Turin by Novaro. It was written under the impression of the upcoming War of Independence against the Empire of Austria. Composed song was about the fight song of the resisters.

1947 Fratelli d' Italia was the proclamation of the Italian Republic, the provisional national anthem of the State and they replaced the Canzone del Piave, a patriotic song of the First World War, which has been played since the fall of Mussolini, together with the royal anthem Marcia Reale. Only in 2005 it was officially introduced by decree of the then incumbent President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, but caused no change in practice. Today, the anthem is one of the state symbols of the Italian Republic.


Musical adaptations

A year after the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy used Giuseppe Verdi in his cantata Inno delle nazioni (Hymn of the Nations ), which was built for the Great Exhibition in London in 1862, in addition to the Marseillaise and God Save the Queen also Fratelli d' Italia to "Italy as a fully valid member of the family of nations " to present.
