Il sogno di Scipione

  • Scipio, Roman general (Tenor)
  • Costanza, goddess of resistance (soprano )
  • Fortuna, goddess of fortune (soprano )
  • Publio, grandfather of Scipio by adoption (Tenor)
  • Emilio, father of Scipio (Tenor)
  • Licenza, Allegory of homage (soprano )
  • Choir of the Blessed

Il sogno di Scipione (Italian, The Dream of Scipio ') is a Serenata in one act by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, KV 126 libretto by Pietro Metastasio was originally written for the birthday of Charles VI. created. Mozart set to music the libretto for the celebrations of the Sekundiz, the fiftieth anniversary of the first Mass, the former Salzburg Prince-Bishop Sigismund Graf Schrattenbach, however, died shortly before this anniversary. The Serenata was then dedicated his successor.

With regard to the premiere of the work is now routinely assumed that it was not listed on the new event in its entire length and you satisfied with the final homage aria. This could mean that Mozart Serenata himself never experienced as overall performance.

The two-movement Overture in D major, also received its own social security number, 161 Together with the nachkomponierten finale in D major, K. 163, it forms a complete Symphony in Three Movements, which is counted in the 6th edition of the Kochel directory as KV 141a.


The plot takes on a subject of Cicero's Somnium Scipionis.

The general Scipio Aemilianus appear the goddesses of fortune and resistance in a dream and ask him to choose between them. To this end, they take him to heaven, where he meets his grandfather and his father Emilio Publio that instruct him on the virtues and show him how small and insignificant the earth is against it. Scipio would like to stay with them, but taught that he had to fulfill in the earth or a mission, namely the conquest and destruction of Carthage. Previously, he must choose between the goddesses.

Scipio asks the goddesses, as they can help him in his task. First Fortuna leads him their weapons before, the drops and get up rich, but Costanza is the resistance of values ​​and virtue on the other hand, it receives over time. Scipio can see for yourself. Although Fortuna now threatened with misfortune, he chooses the resistance.

For the grand, no longer act belonging completion Licenza occurs and extols the virtue of the awakened again Scipio and reveals he personifies Hieronymus von Colloredo, the Prince-Bishop of Salzburg.
