Iliotibial tract

The iliotibial band is a several inches wider band of fibers of the fascia lata, the coarse connective tissue on the thigh.

The gluteus maximus (proximal portion) and the tensor fasciae latae emit a at the height of the greater trochanter ( trochanter major) in this fiber tract. Approach of the iliotibial tract is the tubercle tract - iliotibialis ( Gerdy'sches tubercle ) at the outer condyle of the tibia ( lateral condyle of the tibia ). Here he enters into an alliance with the lateral restraint belt of the kneecap ( patellar retinaculum lateral). Functionally reduced the iliotibial tract after the tension band principle, the bending stress of the femur.

The runner's knee, the " ilio - tibial band syndrome " ( ITBS ) or " Tractussyndrom " is a common pain syndrome that occurs from overuse of the musculoskeletal system, especially in runners and cyclists.

  • Support and movement apparatus