Illuminates of Thanateros

The Illuminati of Thanateros (IOT ) (now official: The Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros - dt: The Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros ) is an occult originally established in 1978, international order, which deals with chaos magic.


In the late seventies began two British occultist with great interest in ritual magic, Ray Sherwin and Peter Carroll, a magazine called The New Equinox to publish. Both the burgeoning occult scene were connected, which evolved to a book trade for metaphysics called The Phoenix in London's East End. In his own presentation were the two with the state of Magical Arts and the deficiencies that they saw in existing occult groups, be dissatisfied. That's why they released in 1978 in their magazine a small announcement in which they announced the creation of a new magical order, the hierarchy should be justified in magical abilities instead of higher-ranking members - a magical meritocracy. The Order should Zos Kia Cultus elements of (see: Austin Osman Spare ), include Shamanism, Tantra and Taoism. Sherwin and Carroll called their creation the Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT ) in reference to the gods Thanatos and Eros ( mythology).

They began to publish monographs, in which they described their system of magical practice. Some were articles in The New Equinox been, others were intended as instructions for members of their order. The new style of magic, which they presented and focused on practical skills rather than on metaphysical systems became known as chaos magic. In the eighties, the two trailers in the UK, Germany and Austria began to win, including some influential authors and occultists. But before the decade was over, Sherwin should withdraw in protest against the fact that the IOT began to resemble the hierarchical order, were the group once been an abomination.

Carroll also took care in the aftermath of the Order and developed the IOT on, mainly through its publications Liber Null and psycho- nautical. This he was known occultists throughout the world. Carroll was later to change the orientation of the IOT to a "real" magical order and manifest him as " The Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros " or simply the pact. In the so-called year zero of this Order, in October 1986, went Carroll and the German Ralph Tegtmeier (also known as Frater V ∴ D ∴ ) in the Rhineland for four days the exercises together in a public seminar in a former convent in Bonn Ramerstorf by and Order was re-established.

In the early nineties this chaos magic Order suffered from the so-called Eiskrieg ( in connection with Frater vds ice magic ) and several disputes between senior members. As a result, the group broke up into factions, such as the Reformed IOT ( RIOT ) in Germany and The AutonomatriX in California. Shortly thereafter, Carroll Liber Kaos published and withdrew from active participation. He stressed explicitly that this is not was justified by discontent with the state of the Order, but is a matter of his personal development.


The IOT organized on the somewhat "traditional" pattern of a fraternal occult Order, with initiations into successive levels that mark magical ability and responsibility in the group. Unlike other occult groups of the IOT rewards the rise in the degree system with hardly any privileges, but "punished" him. Additional duties and responsibilities


  • 4 ° neophyte
  • 3 ° Initiate
  • 2 ° Adept
  • 1 ° Magus

There are also various offices, particularly that of the Insubordinate. This is a member with a low degree that is associated with a high-ranking member of and is fully informed about the work he has to also criticize and ridicule to which he channeled feedback from other members and he against the where appropriate the power of veto. Each Adept, Magus and Magister Templi ( head of a local group ) has a Insubordinate. In addition, there is the extra degree "0 ° = 5 ° ", which is described as identical to the 3 ° - this is a degree of 2 ° - 1 ° and members who retire from their duties. Members with a 3 ° or 2 ° can consecrate themselves to priests or priestesses.

There are no dues or fees for initiations. This is a difference compared to all other magical order of comparable influence.

The IOT consists mostly of small, semi - autonomous temples, which are divided into geographical sections (Great Britain, USA, Germany, Brazil, etc.). A statement from 1991 speaks of 16 temples worldwide.

Members are obliged to keep silent about internal affairs and the identities of their " brothers and sisters ".

Relationship to the occult subculture

The pact still exists, as does the AutonomatriX; RIOT and other factions but not. In the last ten years, the IOT has developed a less public oriented leadership group. He has his former Charter Liber Pactionis also replaced by The book, a more realistic picture of the Covenant is distinguished than its predecessor.

Unlike groups such as the OTO or different branch of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is The Pact no legal authority or non-profit organization but an informal alliance of like-minded occultists. He is by Phil Hine as " the Order for ' serious ' Chaos Magicians, like there is the OTO for ' serious ' Thelemites " have been described.

The existence of a hierarchy in the IOT has caused much controversy about him in the chaos magic scene. Opponents think that the concept is un - chaotic and restricts individual members, while proponents believe the lower Chaoismus make much more effective group work, especially on an international scale possible.

The Pact claimed to continuously operate " magical research." Much of it is members only. However, information on parts of this research in seminars. The group has a comparatively difficult recording procedure and the vast majority appears to reject the candidate. IOT members as already mentioned, Ramsey Dukes, Dave Lee, Joshua Wetzel, Julian Vayne and others are still responsible for a large proportion of publications on chaos magic.

Emblem of the Covenant is a black circle with eight equally radially outgoing, also black rays. The template for this is the " banner of chaos " of fantasy novels by Michael Moorcock.
