Image meta search

An image search engine is a search engine that - mostly in the free-access - searches for images. These and similar image search engines evaluate the file names of the images and the verbal context in which they stand out. There are also search engines that can detect automatically the image content ( Content Based Image Retrieval). In addition to the Google / Picsearch and other providers of image search engines scoured the Web there are many in the Deep Web image databases, some of which are freely accessible, a free registration presuppose or are chargeable. They use our own internal image search engines.

Legal Issues

In general, the images displayed by search engines images are copyrighted and may not be used without the consent of the right holder. The operation of image search engines, which according to German case law could indeed interfere with the display of thumbnails per se in the rights of the rights holders, is regarded primarily as permitted by copyright learning.
