Imiut fetish

The imiut up as insignia represents the bellows of Anubis and since the 5th dynasty contained the limbs of Osiris. It served to restore and revive the dead by the development of positive characteristics and tasks of the embalmer Anubis.


Usually consisted of imiut bellows from the fur of a canid, in the early days rarely also from the withdrawn skin of a panther or a genet as well as the Middle Kingdom of bovids. The panther skin occurs only periodically during the Ramesside parallel to canids and spotted Bovidenfell on.

The imiut fetish had the character of a magical protective skin against the forces of Seth. The duty gods were invited with the associated ritual to be particularly vigilant. Therefore, it was considered wrapping against the negative divine forces that threaten the entry into the Duat.

Representations in relief and painting are well attested. However, there are only a few round plastic reproductions: From the grave District of Imhotep (12th Dynasty), from the grave of Tutankhamen and out of the grave of Tjanenheb ( 26th Dynasty ).
