Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology

Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, abbreviated Immunopharm. Immunot. , Is a scientific journal that is published by Informa Healthcare Publishing. The magazine was founded in 1978. Currently, she appears every two months. There are published articles that deal with the development of drugs that affect the immune system, or edit questions of Immunotoxicology.

The Impact Factor was in 2012 at 1,356. According to the statistics of the ISI Web of Knowledge, the journal impact factor with this in the category of immunology at 118th out of 135 journals in the category Pharmacology and Pharmacy at 185 out of 260 journals in the category and Toxicology at 68 out of will 85 magazines out.

Chief Editor is Anders Elm Pedersen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
