
Immunophenotyping is a method for analyzing the expression of different antigens on the surface of cells used in medicine, in particular of hematology, immunology and biology. From the expression pattern of conclusions can be on membership of a particular cell line, drag the degree of differentiation of the cells or a particular type. Frequently blood and bone marrow cells are measured using the immunophenotyping according to different stages of maturation.

Of special importance is the Immunophenotyping in the classification of leukemias, especially acute and chronic lymphocytic leukemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. With the help of labeled monoclonal antibody, the antigen profile of the corresponding cells is determined. In many of the investigated antigens are detected in the CD nomenclature leukocyte antigens. The examination is carried out usually in the cell suspensions, the most frequently used method for the detection of the individual antigens, flow cytometry (FACS analysis).

See also: antibody staining


Lothar Thomas: Laboratory and diagnostic, 6th edition, Frankfurt 2005, pp. 1938-1947 ISBN 3-9805215-5-9

  • An immunochemical test method