In Case of Emergency

"ICE" (short for " In Case of Emergency ", engl., In an emergency ' ) refers to a controversial method for the identification of address book entries in mobile phones. The phone numbers of relatives, who should be notified in an emergency will be stored under the symbol "ICE". In German-speaking and the abbreviation " IN" ( " In an emergency" ) is used instead.

Early 2005, has launched an initiative for the dissemination of this process, the British paramedic Bob Brotchie. The process should facilitate rescue services to identify the members of accident victims. Later, Bob Brotchie protected it as a brand in the UK, the term "ICE" and established a fee-based service for telephone messaging nationals under that name.

Through media reports and chain letters, the method has in some countries become well known. In July 2005, first appeared in a blog on the idea, the German-speaking instead of " ICE " to use the easier -to-understand "IN". Since 2008, the international standard E.123 recommends a language-independent method that uses numbers and meaningful name to identify important numbers.


Instructions for identifying contact persons for emergencies in the address book of mobile phones according to the " IN " method:

The " ICE " method, the entries "ICE mother " or " ICE David " at the internationally standardized E.123 method against " 01Mutter " or " 02David " would be.

Chain letters

In connection with the ICE procedures are at least two e -mail chain letters in circulation. One promotes the use of the ICE process, citing alleged recommendations respected organizations. The other is a hoax that warns of an alleged mobile phone virus. Both emails contain deliberately false and misleading information and should not be redistributed, but is immediately deleted.


The Workers ' Samaritan Federation distanced itself from the chain letters and the ICE method. He recommends instead, "in the purse or in the papers a note with your name, address and telephone number of to be informed in an emergency people to deposit. " He stressed that " neither ASB nor the police or other official professional associations and rescue organizations," the recommendation for give an ICE entry. The disclosure of information about an accident is "a highly sensitive task that must be carried out with the utmost professionalism and takes place only in the rarest of cases over the phone. " In addition, remains " the emergency service personnel during a mission no time to inform family members, as the helpers are mainly focused on the welfare of patients and the maintenance of vital functions. " It should also not be ruled out, " the ICE numbers are misused by third parties. "

The Swiss Association for International Rescue also distances himself from the chain letters and the ICE / IN procedure. It was " an utterly false claim " that it was, as alleged in the dissemination of the ICE procedure in the subject line of the chain letter to a " concern of the emergency services " handle.

The Austrian Red Cross sees the acronym "ICE" critical because it will associated in the German-speaking area by rail and chargeable because of the confusion with Bob Brotchies telephone service. The "IN" mode is supported with the restriction that are " usually [ ... ] agreed on the part of the emergency service with no family ". "Whether someone has an IN stored in his mobile phone or not, so is the quality of pre-hospital care is not important. "
