
As Inauguration (Latin Augurium " sign " ) the solemn introduction to a dignity or office is called.

Origin and use

Auguries, so the interpretation of signs were often caught up in ancient Rome, before the priests were appointed to office. Augurs - the birders - told from the bird flight ahead of the future. Until now you could wish for in Italy Birthday and other festive occasions tanti auguri each other in terms of " congratulations ".

Inauguration but customs are already prehistoric or protohistoric ritual forms for the inauguration of rulers who were executed in the British Isles. A climbing seems to have been a stone in which fußabdruckartige indentations are in the the new ruler must contact - found in Dunadd, in Burwick on South Ronaldsay and in the Shetlands - to symbolically follow in the footsteps of his predecessors.

The inauguration ceremony of U.S. President is also known as Inauguration. In Russian the name Inauguration ( Инаугурация ) is common.

In Austria, the term for the inauguration of university rectors is in use. The ceremonial first exhibition of a new pope is known as Inauguration fair. In Germany, university professors are introduced by the Inauguralvorlesung in the office.

The written work leading to a doctoral degree is also called doctor's thesis, because this introduces the scientists to the doctorate.
